Annual Members' Conference

The Annual Members' Conference is the highest authority that decides on official matters concerning the internal organisation and the external relations of the PDG.

The Annual Members' Conference usually takes place in the period April to June. The members meet  to agree on the accounts of the past year and the budget for the coming year and to re-assess the membership fee, to elect Board Members and to vote on other statutory topics. The conference is also the occasion for discharge of the Board Members and the Secretary General from their duties during the previous year. Every Member Company has one vote, which must be exercised by their authorised representative (usually the Main Delegate). The delegates are also asked to review and assess the proposals recommended by the Board, as well as the actions planned by the Working Groups. 

In most cases a key note speaker from outside the PDG is invited to present a topic of interest to all delegates. In addition, the Annual Members' Conference provides ample opportunities for formal and informal discussions on current topics. 

PDG - Partnering in Patent Information

Every Member Company has one vote, which must be exercised by their authorised representative. The members usually meet within the first six months of the year, to agree on the accounts of the past year, the final budget for the current year and the provisional budget for the coming year and to re-assess the membership fee.

Highest authority

The Annual Members' Conference is the highest authority that decides on official matters concerning the internal organisation and the external relations of the PDG. These may include changes to the PDG Statutes, admission of new members and election of Board Members.

Election and discharge

The conference is also the occasion for the election and discharge of the Board Members and the Secretary General from their duties during the previous year. The Main Delegates are required to review and assess the proposals recommended by the Board, as well as the actions planned by the Working Groups.

Day 1

The first day of the Annual Members' Conference is usually dedicated to the statutory part, company highlights and a key note presentation by an external speaker.

Day 2

The second day of the Annual Members' Conference is usually dedicated to reports from the working groups and discussions on current topics.

meetings and events

Upcoming PDG meetings & 

other patent information related events

18.02.2025 - 21.02.2025
View website

EPO Search and Examination Matters 2025

18.02.2025 - 21.02.2025
View website

EPO Search and Examination Matters 2025

25.02.2025 - 26.02.2025
View website

Joint Patent Information Users Group (PIUG) Biotech and Pharma & MedTech Information (PhMTI)

the Kimpton Marlowe in Cambridge, Massachusetts
27.03.2025 - 28.03.2025

PDG WG A&V meeting

10.04.2025 - 11.04.2025



SACEPO/PDI meeting

14.09.2025 - 16.09.2025

CEPIUG 17th Year Anniversary Conference
