PDG Board

The Board is the executive authority of the PDG and defines its course of action. It is obliged to implement the decisions of the Members' Conference and is responsible for the smooth operation of the PDG in general. The Board has a minimum of five and a maximum of nine members, who are elected by the Main Delegates for a term of four years, which can be extended once. The Board elects a President and a Vice-President from its members. The day-to-day management of the office of the PDG is done by the Secretary General.

The Board encourages active participation by Member Companies in the various Working Groups and Task Forces as well as at the Annual Members' Conference, and aims to foster a culture of cooperation in the decision-making process and communication within the PDG.



PDG - Partnering in Patent Information

Thorsten Zank

President (Liaison to other organisations)

Bernd Wolter

Board Member (PDG member engagement), chair Task Force AI Searching

Lisbeth Gauguin

Board member (Best practice sharing)

Frank Morgenroth

Board Member (Scouting new tools)

Andreas Schultz

Board Member (Education), Chair Task Force Orbit NG

Monika Bruckmann

Chair Working Group PDV & Core team WG IMPACT

Frédérique Klein

Chair Working Group R&E

Catherine Schuurman-Coutron

Chair Working Group A&V

Torsten Gerber

Chair working group IMPACT

Jonas Hardt

Chair Task Force Dig.IP

Kersten Dittmar

Chair Task Force Customer Consultancy

Kate Buddle

Co-chair Working Group R&E

Laila Al-Madhagi

Co-chair Working Group A&V

Arndt Mecke

Core team Working Group IMPACT

Maike Houtrouw

Core team Working Group IMPACT

Nicholas Cole

Core team Working Group IMPACT

Aldo Burton

Chair Task Force Biotech

Susanne Tropf

Co-chair Task Force Biotech

Mark Ede

Co-chair Task Force Chemistry

Noëllie Ndene

Co-chair Task Force Chemistry

Michael Hedler

Co-chair Task Force STNext

Katja Pagano

Co-chair Task Force STNext

Marc Jäger

Co-chair Task Force DigIP

Michaela Rasmussen

Co-chair Task Force AI Searching

Daniel Uhl

Chair Task Force AI Sorting

Nazma Masud

Co-chair Task Force AI Sorting

Sara Motahari

Co-chair Task Force AI Sorting

Gudrun Oehler

Co-chair Task Force AI Sorting

Adrienne Noordermeer

Chair Task Force LN PatentSight

Rutul Trivedi

Co-chair Task Force Orbit NG

Bettina de Jong

PDG Secretary General

All Board members and Working Group and Task Force chairs perform their PDG activities beside their normal duties at their employers. They are motivated by the collaboration with colleagues from other companies and by the learning experiences that the PDG activities offer.